What works for us.

We believe in the concept of Self-actualization by supporting people to maximise their potential. In order to achieve this, we have implemented the Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs. We foster our vision on the therapeutic community model. A common conception of therapeutic community is a group of people living together in a non-hierarchical, democratic way that brings psychological awareness of individual as well as group processes. Furthermore, the community has clear boundaries of place, time and roles of the clients. They are democratic because the people are involved in decision-making to encourage a sense of responsibility. This is fostered by the non-hierarchical structure that tries to minimise dependency on the staff.

Some discussions about the model

Why is Maslow's hierarchy of needs important?

The basis of Maslow's theory is that we are motivated by our needs as human beings. Additionally, if some of our most important needs are unmet, we may be unable to progress and meet our other needs. This can help explain why we might feel "stuck" or unmotivated. It's possible that our most critical needs aren't being met, preventing us from being the best version of ourselves possible. Changing this requires looking at what we need, then finding a way to get it.

What is at the top of Maslow's hierarchy of needs?

Self-actualization is at the top of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. This need refers to the desire to reach our full potential. According to Maslow, this need can only be met once all of the other needs are satisfied. Thus, it comes after physiological needs, safety needs, the need for love and belonging, and esteem needs.

What are some of the weaknesses of Maslow's theory?

Some criticize Maslow's hierarchy of needs on the basis that our needs don't always exist in a pyramid format, or that one need is more important than another. There's also a concern that his idea of self-actualization cannot be tested. Others suggest that Maslow's theory is weak because it was based on research that was misattributed or lost the original concept being studied.

How many levels are there in Maslow's pyramid of needs?

There are five levels in Maslow's pyramid. The bottom two levels are physiological needs and safety needs which, together, make up basic needs. Next are social and esteem needs—also referred to as psychological needs. Self-actualization needs are at the top level of Maslow's pyramid. Someone who is self-actualized is said to be at (or in the pursuit of) their full potential.


1.     To provide a safe homely living environment in which the residents have as much control over their lives as possible, enabling them to achieve the maximum degree of independence whilst retaining their dignity.

2.     To provide each individual with an opportunity to build new skills for life and adapt old ones.

3.     To provide a therapeutic support programme under the care programme approach which is appropriate and relevant to individual needs.

4.     To enable each individual to function to his/her potential and at their own pace.